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Why record breaking rain in Dubai? Scientists told the reason of rain

Scientists said that science has been misused. Due to which entire Dubai is suffering the consequences. There was so much rain in Dubai that a flood-like situation was created in a short time.
9 Month ago

Arab countries often experience sweltering heat. The countries here are the center of attraction around the world, while the desert area is mentioned. Usually everyone thinks of dry land and scorching heat.

But sometimes there can be a reversal in the atmosphere. A similar situation has arisen in Dubai. Two days ago, there was a flood situation in Dubai. Due to which the roads were filled with water. Places including shopping malls, parking lots, schools and colleges were submerged in water. Dubai Airport was also flooded. The runway was completely submerged in water. But the question is why so much rain?

Scientists have answered this. He said that science has been misused and the whole of Dubai is suffering the consequences. In fact, recently, planes were flown in the skies of Dubai for cloud seeding. By this technique artificial rainfall is done. It is believed that this technology caused so much rain that Dubai flooded. Scientists say the whole plan has failed. The cloud itself has burst in an attempt to make artificial rain.

Artificial rain

In an attempt to create artificial rain, it rained so much in just a few hours that it caused a flood. It is believed that it took about a year and a half in Dubai. It rained in just a few hours. Its effect was that there was a flood. According to the Meteorological Department, about 5.7 inches of rain has fallen. One person also died due to rain.

What is Artificial Rain?

The rain that actually falls is through cloud seeding. It is called artificial rain. It is made up of two words cloud and seed. In simple words, the process of sowing rain seeds in the clouds is called cloud seeding.

Plane traffic at the airport was completely stopped due to the flood. Vehicles parked in the parking lot were submerged. Many malls in Dubai were flooded. It is believed that in the history of last 75 years, so much rain has never fallen.

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