Friday, Jun 02, 2023 | New Delhi 31*C

These people have more risk of skin cancer, take care of skin along with health

The cases of skin cancer are increasing every year worldwide. Cases of this cancer have also been reported in India. People do not even notice this cancer in the beginning and this disease increases. If this disease is detected on time, it can be easily treated.
12 Month ago

Skin cancer is treated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and Mohs surgery. Then we also need to know what experts say about skin cancer and what are the symptoms of skin cancer. Cancer surgeon Dr. Anshuman Kumar says that when cells in the skin start growing rapidly, they become cancerous. The incidence of skin cancer in India is low compared to other cancers.

Cancer is also caused by genetic causes

Because people here have sufficient amount of melanin. This pigment reduces the risk of skin cancer. According to Dr. Anshuman Kumar, cancer also occurs due to genetic reasons. If any member of the family has cancer, it can go from one generation to another. In such a situation, people who have skin cancer in their family should keep getting themselves checked. This will prevent cancer.

Skin needs to be taken care of

Skin needs to be taken care of like other parts of the body. Many diseases also occur on the skin. One of them is skin cancer, star player of Gujarat Giants Lauren Cheetal is undergoing treatment for skin cancer near the neck. Early symptoms of skin cancer are not recognizable in the beginning.

These are the symptoms of skin cancer

  • Itching on the skin
  • Redness of the skin
  • Sudden appearance of wart-like spots on the face
  • Appearance of white marks on the skin

How to avoid skin cancer?

  • Using sunscreen on the body
  • Do not stay in the sun too much
  • Have a healthy diet
  • Keep the body covered in the sun
  • Do not consume too much spicy food
  • Keep the body hydrated
  • Drink lots of water
  • Get regular skin checkups

    These are the symptoms of skin cancer

    • Itching on the skin
    • Redness of the skin
    • Sudden appearance of wart-like spots on the face
    • Appearance of white marks on the skin

    How to avoid skin cancer?

    • Using sunscreen on the body
    • Do not stay in the sun too much
    • Have a healthy diet
    • Keep the body covered in the sun
    • Do not consume too much spicy food
    • Keep the body hydrated
    • Drink lots of water
    • Get regular skin checkups
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