Friday, Jun 02, 2023 | New Delhi 31*C

Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke in Hindi, Bill Gates does not know Hindi language, know how to communicate

PM Modi and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates have met. In which PM Narendra Modi can be heard speaking in Hindi and Bill Gates in English. The big thing is that Bill Gates does not know Hindi language but how easily he discussed various issues.
11 Month ago

A meeting has taken place between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. The meeting of both the veteran leaders was held at the Prime Minister's residence. In this meeting, Bill Gates questioned PM Modi on everything from his plans to artificial intelligence. If you have seen this video, you can see that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was speaking in Hindi. While Bill Gates does not know Hindi language. How did the Prime Minister interact with Bill Gates?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi communicated through Bill Gates with the help of real time translator. By means of which any person can easily understand what the other person is saying. Like no one knows French. So that person can listen in his mother tongue with the help of this translator. There are many types of machines available in the market for this type of translator. In which this feature is seen in translator earbirds of various companies. On the other hand, the Prime Minister has said that translator can be done through AI as well.

PM Modi discussed the role of AI

PM Narendra Modi and Bill Gates discussed the role and benefits of technology and AI. The PM also told him how AI was used during the G-20 summit. How his Hindi speech was translated into Tamil during the Kasi Tamil Sangamm program and how AI was used in the Namo app.PM said that we were left behind during the first and second industrial revolutions because we were colonies. He said that sometimes I joke that in our country we call our mother Ai.


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