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Paris Olympics 2024: Night out with boyfriend took a toll on athlete, kicked out of Paris Olympics

At the ongoing Olympic Games in Paris, a female athlete was found guilty of going out with her boyfriend without permission. Paris has been kicked out of the Olympics for this act. The decision to exclude him has been taken by the Olympic Committee.
6 Month ago

A female athlete was kicked out of the Paris Olympics after she went out with her boyfriend outside the Olympic Village at night. We are talking about Brazilian female swimmer Ana Carolina Vieira, whose journey at the Paris Olympics has come to an end. Ana Carolina Vieira has been excluded from the 2024 Olympics by the Brazilian Olympic Committee.

Brazilian swimmer caught hanging out with boyfriend

Ana Carolina Vieira would not have been prosecuted if she had gone outside the Olympic Village with permission. But, he didn't. Instead, when she returned to the Olympics Village, she was furious with the coach. In such a situation, the matter reached the Olympic Committee of Brazil. Who immediately decided to exclude Carolina from the Paris Olympics.

Released by the Brazilian Olympic Committee

According to media reports, the incident involving a Brazilian female swimmer took place on July 26. The very next day, Anna Carolina was scheduled to compete in the 4×400 meter freestyle relay event. He participated in the match, where his performance was very disappointing. She finished 12th.

No action against boyfriend

Like Ana Carolina, her boyfriend Gabriel Santos is also representing Brazil at the Paris Olympics. He also failed to win the men's team's 4×100 freestyle event. However, he was not prosecuted as harshly as Karolina as he had apologized. Swimming team head Gustavo Otsuka contacted the Brazilian Olympic Committee about Ana Carolina. Gustavo Otsuka said Carolina also questioned the team lead's technical decision.

A clear statement from the head of the Brazilian swimming team

After the action against Carolina, Brazil's swimming team chief Gustavo Otsuka issued a separate statement saying, "We came to play on behalf of Brazil's 20 million taxpayers." We are not here for a holiday. It is clear that for the team, sportsmanship and discipline come first and other things come second.

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