Friday, Jun 02, 2023 | New Delhi 31*C

OMG… A pack of five dogs attack a king cobra, watch the fur-raising video of the prey

The king cobra is counted among the most dangerous snakes in the world, it is a creature from which animals and humans keep an equal distance. However, this is not necessarily the case with everyone.
5 Month ago

Sometimes even some pets get together and create trouble for a dangerous animal. Now watch this video where five dogs chase a king cobra.

People love animal videos. Especially if there is a fight between animals, it is a different matter. These videos are not only watched by people but also saved by people so that they can be enjoyed later. One such video is also in discussion these days. After watching this you will also understand the value of teamwork.

Snake venom can kill anyone in no time

King cobra is counted among the most dangerous snakes in the world, it is an animal that animals and humans alike keep a distance from as its venom can kill anyone in a moment. However, this is not necessarily the case with everyone. Sometimes some animals get together and create trouble. Now watch this video where five dogs chase a king cobra.

Five dogs attack a single king cobra

In the video, you can see four-five dogs attacking a single king cobra. After this the fight starts between them. You will also be amazed to watch this dangerous fight video because when the snake is first in a position to attack, the dog is in a defensive position, but soon the snake realizes that it is not going to work anymore. Although it is not clear what the end is, but after watching this clip it is clear that the dogs will have finished the work of the snake.

Users are reacting to this

The video was shared on Insta by an account named tirese. People are giving their reaction by commenting on this video. One user wrote, 'Snake should have been taken out earlier.' While another wrote, 'OMG I can't believe it.' Apart from this, many other users have given their reaction by commenting on this.

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