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Now the bitter gourd will never feel bitter! Make vegetables with these tips

Many times people avoid eating bitter gourd because of its bitterness, but do you know that eating bitter gourd can also reduce the bitterness. If you make bitter gourd greens by adopting some home tips, the gourd greens will not taste bitter at all and all the small and large ones in the house will enjoy it. Will like to eat bitter gourd.
1 Year ago

Many times people avoid eating bitter gourd because of its bitterness, but do you know that eating bitter gourd can also reduce the bitterness. If you make bitter gourd greens by adopting some home tips, the gourd greens will not taste bitter at all and all the small and large ones in the house will enjoy it. Will like to eat bitter gourd.

Use curd: Cut the bitter gourd into small pieces and soak it in curd for about 2 hours. By using curd you can remove the bitterness of bitter gourd and make delicious gourd greens for your kids.

Use curd: Cut the bitter gourd into small pieces and soak it in curd for about 2 hours. By using curd you can remove the bitterness of bitter gourd and make delicious gourd greens for your kids.

Salting: Soak the bitter gourd in salt for some time to remove its bitterness. After some time drain the water due to salt. This will remove the bitterness with the water.

Pickling : When you are preparing the bitter gourd, it should be pickled while cooking to reduce its bitterness to a great extent.

Remove the seeds: If you remove the bitter gourd seeds and prepare the bitter gourd, your greens will not taste bitter.

Amchur Powder: Mango powder or lemon can be added to the bitter gourd juice for sourness.

Remove the seeds: If you remove the bitter gourd seeds and prepare the bitter gourd, your greens will not taste bitter.

Peeling the bitter gourd: To remove the bitterness of the bitter gourd, you should peel the bitter gourd before cooking it.

Peeling the bitter gourd: To remove the bitterness of the bitter gourd, you should peel the bitter gourd before cooking it.

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