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Lok Sabha Election 2024: Voters of this state used NOTA a lot, Gujarat is also included in the top 10

Voters have made extensive use of NOTA in Lok Sabha Elections 2024. Not only this, if we talk about the statistics of the Election Commission, this time more than 6.5 lakh people have voted for NOTA. So it can be said that there were voters who used notes.
7 Month ago

The result of Lok Sabha Election 2024 has shocked everyone but at the same time one thing has caught everyone's attention. That is, NOTA has been used more in elections this time. According to statistics, every 100 people have pressed the Nota button in this election. Approximately 6 lakh 78 thousand people have used NOTA.Indore became an example where about 2 lakh 18 thousand people have pressed the NOTA button.

NOTA became a part of elections in 2013 and since then the NOTA button has become the people's choice in every election.

What is NOTA?

In the December 2013 assembly elections, the Election Commission provided an option of NOTA i.e. none of the above in electronic voting machines i.e. EVMs. This is for voters who are not happy with any party candidate but want to cast their vote. Pressing the NOTA button means that the voter does not prefer any of the candidates contesting the election. Many people consider NOTA as a negative vote.

According to a report by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), NOTA got 1.08 percent or 60,00197 votes in the 2014 elections and 1.06 percent or 65,000 votes in the 20975 Lok Sabha elections after NOTA was made part of the electoral process in 2013.

Nota received the highest number of votes in these 10 states

The top-10 states with the highest number of votes on NOTA are Bihar, Dadra Nagar Haveli, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Tripura, Odisha, Assam, Goa, Angra Pradesh and Jharkhand. Where voters did not think it was right to vote for any party candidate.

Fewest votes were cast here in NOTA

The top 10 states are Nagaland, Lakshadweep, Haryana, Telangana, Punjab, Delhi, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh. Even though polling in Delhi was low, people here did not show enthusiasm to vote NOTA. Across the country, out of 53 national and regional political parties, including BJP and Congress, which tried their luck in the Lok Sabha Election-2024, 38 parties got less votes than NOTA.

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