Friday, Jun 02, 2023 | New Delhi 31*C

Know what is the right time to have breakfast? If you eat food at the right time, there will be many benefits

For a healthy body, it is not only necessary to eat healthy food, it is also very important for you to eat that food at the right time. Many times people complain that they don't feel energy even though they eat only healthy food for breakfast, lunch and dinner three times a day. So today we know what food should be taken at what time.
1 Year ago

We all start our day with breakfast. But most people do not know when to have breakfast. The first meal of the day is considered the best, so breakfast should be taken between 7 am and 9 am.

 If you have breakfast at the right time then the stomach gets enough time to rest till lunch. It helps in digestion of breakfast. So lunch should be eaten between 12 and 2 pm.

If you have breakfast at the right time then the stomach gets enough time to rest till lunch. It helps in digestion of breakfast. So lunch should be eaten between 12 and 2 pm.

Eating lunch early can make you feel hungry earlier in the evening. Many nutritionists advise having an early dinner to satisfy our hunger and boost metabolism. We should have dinner between 6.30 pm and 8 pm.

Eating food at the right time improves digestion. Also, taking meals on time keeps the heart healthy. Also no heart related diseases. If you have food at right time you will get enough time to sleep and you will feel refreshed in the morning.

People go to sleep immediately after having dinner.  Doing so causes gas problem. To lose weight it is necessary to eat early in the night.  By doing this, your food will be digested well and fat will not accumulate. Eating on time and sleeping on time will make you feel more energetic in the morning.

People go to sleep immediately after having dinner. Doing so causes gas problem. To lose weight it is necessary to eat early in the night. By doing this, your food will be digested well and fat will not accumulate. Eating on time and sleeping on time will make you feel more energetic in the morning.

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