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How did Nandi become Lord Shiva's vehicle? Read an interesting myth

Worshiping Nandi along with Lord Shiva is also important. Lord Shankar listens to the devotees only through Nandi. There is a popular myth of Shiva and Nandi.
1 Year ago

Shiva Nandi Katha: All deities in Hinduism have their own vehicles. Just as Lord Vishnu's vehicle is an eagle, Mother Lakshmi's vehicle is an owl. Lord Ganesha's vehicle is rat, similarly Lord Shiva's vehicle is Nandi. You must have seen in Shiva temples that Nandi idol in the form of a bull is also seated along with Lord Shankar. Lord Shankar hears the prayers of devotees only through Nandi, but do you know how Nandi can become Lord Shiva's vehicle. Let's know this mythological story of Shiva and Nandi.

How did Nandi become Shiva's vehicle?-According to a legend, Rishi Shilad, who was observing a vow of celibacy, began to fear that his lineage would end after his death. Due to this fear, he started rigorous penance to get a son. Pleased with the penance, Lord Shiva appeared to Rishi Shilad and asked him to seek a boon. Sage Shilad then told Shiva that he wanted a son who could not be touched by death and who would always be in the grace of Mahadev.

Lord Shiva blessed him and said that he would get such a son. The next day Rishi Shilad was passing through a field. He saw a newborn baby lying in the field. The child was very beautiful and attractive. They wondered who abandoned such a beautiful child? Then Shivji's voice came that Shilad is your son.

The baby was named Nandi – hearing this, Rishi Shilad was very happy and took the baby with him to look after him. That child's name was Nandi. Once two monks reached the house of Rishi Shilad. He was highly respected. Pleased with this, the monks blessed Rishi Shilad for long life but did not say a word for Nandi. Rishi Shilad asked the ascetics the reason for this. Then the monks said that Nandi is young, so we have not given him any blessings.

The baby was named Nandi – hearing this, Rishi Shilad was very happy and took the baby with him to look after him.  That child's name was Nandi.  Once two monks reached the house of Rishi Shilad.  He was highly respected.  Pleased with this, the monks blessed Rishi Shilad for long life but did not say a word for Nandi.  Rishi Shilad asked the ascetics the reason for this.  Then the monks said that Nandi is young, so we have not given him any blessings.

Shiva made Nandi a rider- Nandi heard this and told Rishi Shilad that I am born by the grace of Lord Shiva and he will protect me. After this Nandi started praising Lord Shiva and performed intense penance. Pleased with this, Lord Shiva appeared and made Nandi his favorite vehicle. After this Nandi also began to be worshiped along with Lord Shiva.

With the blessings of Lord Shiva, Nandi was freed from death and became immortal. Lord Shiva declared Nandi as the ruler of the Ganas in front of all the Ganas, Ganesha and the Vedas with the consent of Uma and thus Nandi became Nandiswara. Lord Shiva gave a boon to Nandi that wherever Nandi lives, he will also live there. Hence, Nandi is installed in front of Lord Shiva in every temple since then.

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