Friday, Jun 02, 2023 | New Delhi 31*C

Farmers' income will increase... Now onions will go from India to Bhutan and Mauritius

The government has allowed the export of onions from India. Now onions will be exported from the country to neighboring countries like Bhutan, Mauritius and Bahrain. Farmers involved in onion cultivation have been demanding this for a long time.
11 Month ago

Due to the adequate availability of onion in the country, the central government has now prepared to help the farmers connected with it before the elections. The government has allowed the export of onions from India. Now onions will be exported from the country to neighboring countries like Bhutan, Mauritius and Bahrain. Farmers involved in onion cultivation have been demanding this for a long time.

The central government on Wednesday allowed the export of onion through the National Cooperative Export Limited (NCEL). These onion exports are to Bhutan, Bahrain and Mauritius.

4750 tonnes of onions will go out of the country

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), India's foreign trade watchdog, said in a notification that India is allowed to export 550 tonnes of onions to Bhutan, 3,000 tonnes to Bahrain and 1,200 tonnes to Mauritius. Onion exports to these three countries have been notified by NCEL. DGFT works under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. It monitors the norms related to imports and exports in the country.

Onions have been sent to UAE and Bangladesh

Just last week, India allowed a total of 64,400 tonnes of onions to be exported to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bangladesh. However, open export of onion is still banned in the country. In such a situation, the onion that the government is exporting is being done with the help sought by the governments of those countries.

On December 8 last year, the government banned onion exports till March 31 this year to increase local availability and control prices. The government has already taken several steps to control prices.

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