Friday, Jun 02, 2023 | New Delhi 31*C

Earn Millions by Farming Chinese Lychee, Learn How to Get the Yield

Chinese lychee is also known as red lychee. This is a very popular item in India. Chinese litchi is in high demand not only in India but also abroad. It is also priced very well due to high demand. Farmers earn huge profit every year by cultivating it.
8 Month ago

Most of the farmers prefer to do farming that gives them more profit at less cost. In such a situation, many farmers are confused as to which type of farming will be suitable for them. If you are also confused about this matter then this news is for you. Today we will tell you about Chinese lychee, the cultivation of which can earn a farmer millions of profits every year.

Chinese litchi cultivation

Chinese lychee is also known as red lychee. This is a very popular item in India. Chinese litchi is in high demand not only in India but also abroad. It is also priced very well due to high demand. Farmers earn huge profit every year by cultivating it. Let us tell you that Chinese litchi cultivation does not require much time and effort.

Farmers will benefit

Along with mango orchard you can also do litchi gardening. Many farmers have started cultivating Chinese litchi due to high demand. A farmer can earn a profit of approximately 3 to 4 lakh rupees by cultivating litchi garden for two and a half to three months. Farmers can earn good profit after litchi gardening.

Types of litchis

There are two types of lychee, one is royal lychee and the other is Chinese lychee. Royal lychee has a slightly sour taste and takes time to prepare. While Chinese lychee is ready in less time and has a sweet taste. Farmers can earn good profit by cultivating both. Chinese lychee costs less to cultivate, but requires a little more water. Pesticides have to be sprayed from time to time in this cultivation.

Lychee production

Heat wave in summer may have some impact on litchi production. So some care needs to be taken while gardening. Chinese lychee is in high demand in the market and its price is also high. It can benefit the farmer a lot. Chinese lychee yields more than other varieties. Cultivation of Chinese litchi can be a very profitable business for farmers. If you are planning to start its cultivation then this is the best option for you.

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