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Farmers do these farming activities along with disease and pest control to get more production in onion-garlic and plantain crops

Farmers should plan for land preparation, seed selection, grooming etc. before sowing. Farmers have to perform different farming activities from time to time in the crops they have planted. If the farmers plan in advance what operations to do in the crop, they will be able to get quality and higher production.
5 Month ago

Farmers plant different crops depending on the season. Before planting a new crop, farmers should plan everything from land preparation to seed selection and maintenance. Apart from this, the farmers have to perform various farming activities from time to time in the crops they have planted.

Pests and diseases are also found in crops. So advance planning has to be done for its control, so that quality and more production can be obtained. Let us know what farming practices should be done along with disease and pest control in onion-garlic and plantain crops.

Pest control and agricultural practices in onion and garlic crops

1. Profenofos 50 e.c. for control of thrips or chusia. 15 to 20 ml. Or Spinosad 3-4 ml. Mix in water and spray.

2. Mix 5 grams of maleic hydroxide in 10 liters of water and spray it 15 days before harvesting to increase storage power of onion.

3. Weed control is very important to harvest large onion tubers in the initial stage.

Also Read:  Farmers will get bumper production if they do these farming practices along with disease and pest control in pulses and fodder crops

Pest Control and Cultivation Practices in Banana Crops

1. Plant grandnein variety in plantain.

2. Fertilizer: 300 grams of nitrogen per plant 4 kg. Linseed fertilizer should be given in four equal installments in the second, third, fourth and fifth months of planting and 90 grams of phosphorus and 200 grams of potash should be given in the third month of planting.

3. In plantain crops, remove the yellows around the mother plant regularly.

4. Give irrigation every 4 to 5 days as required.

5. For good development of plantain, after the fruits have set, remove the flowers.

6. Cover the lum with a dry leaf or kantan to cover the lum of the plantain.

Information Source: Dr. G.R. Gohil, Junagadh Agricultural University

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