Friday, Jun 02, 2023 | New Delhi 31*C

After leaving cricket Dhoni is earning from this business, you can also start

Mahendra Singh Dhoni may have retired from playing cricket for the Indian team, but he is still as popular among his fans as he was before his retirement. These days he is doing a special kind of business in Ranchi, from which he is earning big. Let's have a complete detailed information about it.
5 Month ago

Mahendra Singh Dhoni may have retired from playing cricket for the Indian team, but he is still as popular with his fans as he was before his retirement. Talking about social media users, he loves them a lot. What does Dhoni do when? They seem very excited to know the answer to this question. These days he is doing a special kind of business in Ranchi, from which he is earning big. Let's have a complete detailed information about it.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni's Business

Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the former captain of the Indian cricket team, is keeping Kadkanath chickens. He has a very large poultry farm of Kadkanath Chicken in Ranchi. The poultry farm business in India is expanding rapidly. This is a business that does not require crores of rupees to start. A poultry farm business can be started with just a few lakh rupees. The special thing is that poultry farm business can be started in villages, hamlets, cities and even metropolises, because the demand for chicken is everywhere.

There will be bumper earnings

While eggs are in demand in winter season, the choice of people becomes chicken as soon as summer comes. But people are choosing to eat desi chicken meat. In such a situation, if people associated with poultry farms start rearing Kadkanath chickens, they can earn more.

Kadkanath chicken is very expensive. It is said that the price of an egg is more than 50 rupees. Its meat is sold at Rs 1000 per kg. The demand for Kadkanath Chicken is gradually increasing in metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. In such a situation, keeping Kadkanath chickens will earn much more than normal chickens.

People of Madhya Pradesh will be rich

Kadkanath is a breed of chicken mainly found in Madhya Pradesh. But now in other states of the country also, people associated with poultry farms are rearing more Kadkanath. Kadkanath chicken is very tasty to eat. Its wings, beak, legs, blood and flesh are all black. The special thing is that its eggs are also black in color. It contains many times more protein and vitamins than normal desi chicken. So its demand is gradually increasing.

You can start like this

If you want to open a poultry farm for raising Kadkanath chickens, you will need at least 150 square feet of space. By building a shed, you can keep around 100 Kadkanath chicks in this space. These chicks will be fully ready for sale in 5 months. Currently, Kadkanath chicken meat is being sold in the market at a price of Rs 800 to Rs 1000 per kg. An egg costs more than 50 rupees. By starting a Kadkanath chicken business, you can earn thousands of rupees after 5 months. Kadkanath has 25% more protein than desi chicken.

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