Friday, Jun 02, 2023 | New Delhi 31*C

Why do people under the age of 50 become victims of cancer? Find out how to survive from an expert

Advanced stage cancer is seen in people under 50 years of age. In such a situation, doctors have advised people to get checked for cancer on time. So it is also necessary to know why people are becoming victims of cancer at a young age.

Cancer cases are increasing every year across the world including India. The death toll is also increasing due to this disease. Cases of lung and prostate cancer in men and cervical and breast cancer in women are on the rise. Over the past few years, cancer has become a leading cause of death worldwide. It is being seen that now a large number of cancer cases are occurring among the youth as well.

Some cases are also coming up, in which advanced stage cancer is being seen in people under the age of 50 years. In such a situation, doctors have advised people to get checked for cancer on time. So it is also necessary to know why people are becoming victims of cancer at a young age.

Doctors say that the main reason for the spread of cancer among the youth is bad eating habits, disordered lifestyle, excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking. In some cases cancer is also caused by genetic factors. Apart from this obesity is a big problem. Being overweight increases the risk of cancer. Spending more time in the sun also increases the risk of cancer.

What the experts say

Cancer specialist Dr Ashish Gupta says that the most common cancers in India are breast cancer in women, oral cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer in men. One of the biggest causes of cancer at a young age is bad lifestyle and addiction to various types of drugs. Obesity is also becoming a major problem in the last few years. Obesity is also a major risk factor for cancer.

People are advised to watch their diet and maintain a good lifestyle to prevent cancer. For this exercise daily and include green fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid tobacco consumption and excessive consumption of alcohol. To detect cancer early, check yourself regularly. If there is a problem or a lump in any part of the body, do not take it lightly and get checked for cancer, no matter what your age.

There is a cure for cancer

Dr. Ashish Gupta says that cancer can be treated using modern medicine. Cancer cure rates have increased significantly through immunotherapy and targeted therapies. CAR-T therapy and robotic surgery have also made cancer treatment easier. If cancer is detected in the early stages, this disease is easily curable.

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