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EVMs are not tampered with..., how are checks done before counting?

EVM : On the day of counting, the machines are taken out of the strong room and taken to the counting hall. Here the candidates are present with their counting agents and election agents. Before the counting of votes starts, they check whether the EVM machine has been tampered with.
8 Month ago

Election results 2024: After the completion of voting in seven phases, now all eyes are on the election results of June 4. Counting of votes for the country's 18th Lok Sabha is underway from 8 am. Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) has made the vote counting process easier and faster. But at the time of elections, questions are also raised by the leaders regarding the security of EVMs. In such a situation, how can it be ensured that the EVMs are not tampered with before the counting of votes? Let's understand.

Votes are counted in a large hall

As per Section 64 of the Representation of the People Act-1951 the counting of votes is done under the supervision/direction of the Returning Officer (RO) of the concerned constituency. Counting of votes is done in a large hall, in which various tables are arranged. This is where the EVM machines are brought and kept from the strong room built in the district headquarters or RO headquarters.

How is the security of EVMs ensured?

EVM machines are checked and secured at several levels to ensure that they are not tampered with. First, BEL/ECIL engineers conduct technical and physical inspection of each EVM before representatives of political parties. For this a mock poll is done in some machines. If any machine is found to be defective during this period, it is sent back to the factory.

Monitored by CCTV

After voting, the EVM machine is sealed and sent to the strong room. According to the Election Commission, a room which is made a strong room should have only one door. There should be no other way to get there. Rooms have double lock system. After installing the EVM and VVPAT machines, the strong room is locked. One of its keys remains with its in-charge and an officer of the rank of ADM or above. Apart from this, 24 hours CAPF personnel are deployed to guard the strong room. The room is monitored 24 hours by CCTV.

The EVM machines are checked again on the day of counting

On the day of counting, the machines are taken out of the strong room and taken to the counting hall. Here the candidates are present with their counting agents and election agents. These machines are kept on tables in the counting hall to maintain transparency. Here they are given an opportunity to inspect the carrying case and the machine itself.

However during this time they cannot touch the machine. There is a mesh between them and the machine. Candidates and their representatives are shown the seal on the EVM and the unique ID of its control unit (in which votes are recorded) before counting begins.

If during the verification any irregularity is detected by the candidate or his agent, the votes recorded in the machine are not counted and the matter is reported to the Election Commission for further action.

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